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Let’s take a look at the different aspects of company branding, why it’s important & lastly why it’s so crucial to do at the beginning of the year. 

Company branding has now, more than ever been split between physical & digital. We’re going to take a look at the physical attributes of company branding. Physical branding allows us to be on the forefront of anyone’s mind when they aren’t looking at a screen. How can we do this ? Simply by branding essential items or at the least commonly used items. Pens, calendars, diaries, mugs, lanyards, water bottles – you think of it & we can brand it. 

By doing this, we are setting our companies up to be the first point of contact whenever our services are needed by simply occupying a space in someones working environment. The saying “Out of sight, out of mind” sums up exactly what happens when we don’t put any effort towards physical branding for your company. 

As we start 2022, it is the perfect opportunity to have your companies branding requirements furnished, distribute your branded products to various clients and ensure your company is the first point of contact over your competitors. During this process you will also develop brand identity and put yourself on a professional playing field, above your competitors. Have any questions or ideas ? Bounce them off us and let us guide you through this process. 

Contact EB Castings for any screen printing or branding requirements.


Contact: 072 593 6289
Mon – Fri : 8:00 to 16:30

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